“The Road Less Traveled” by M. Scott Peck, M.D

Photo on 8-21-15 at 10.06 AMLIFE IS DIFFICULT.”

I sat at the top of the beach–my happy place–in tears. I was miserable and didn’t know quite why.  A couple had given me a copy of The Road Less Traveled as a gift for singing at their wedding, and I’d packed it with my beach stuff.  It came at the right time in my life, because I was in pain, and in those first few words, Dr. Peck made it ok for me to feel bad.

Because Life Is Difficult.

At least some of the time.

When I opened to the first page of The Road Less Traveled, I’d been working with a counselor on what turned out to be my depression for several months.  He’d recommended a book at the start of my healing journey (more on that in another post), and went on to recommend many more, all of which turned out to be just what I needed.  A lot of other books presented themselves to me along the way, the right book at the right time.  In this blog, I’ll tell my stories of healing and hope through the words of the books that helped me so much.  Maybe you will find healing and hope through my stories.  Thanks for reading!

You can buy the version I read of “The Road Less Traveled” on Amazon here:

For an updated version, go here:

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